What’s All the Buzz?
Pollinators across the country are in trouble, with honeybees and monarch butterflies experiencing some of the most drastic declines in the past 20 years. Many factors have contributed to their decline, so there is not one solution that will fix the problem. But, we know that more nectar and pollen sources provided by more flowering plants and trees will help improve their health and numbers.
Utilities are uniquely positioned to boost the health of pollinators through tracts of largely undeveloped land, including transmission line rights-of-way (ROW). In 2018, Liberty began implementing pollinator protection projects as part of their corporate social responsibility efforts.
Our customers can also help the health of bees, butterflies, birds, bats, and other pollinators by increasing the number of pollinator-friendly gardens and landscapes. A suitable pollinator habitat can be easily integrated into an existing garden bed. There is no minimum area requirement. From window and patio planters, to home gardens, roadsides, and acres of prairies – any size is great!
Tips for Creating Your Pollinator Garden:
- Create large “pollinator targets” of native or non-invasive plants.
- Use plants that provide nectar and pollen sources.
- Some plants may be harmful to pollinators such as Rhododendron and Azaleas – be sure to check before planting.
- Provide a water source, but include a few large stones to keep them from drowning.
- Place your garden in a sunny area with wind breaks.
- Plant large groupings of the same plant—called “pollinator targets”. They’re easier to spot from the air and easier to go from plant to plant in small areas.
- Keep plants that bloom throughout the growing season. This helps pollinators at each stage of their lives.
- Eliminate your use of pesticides.
- Pollinators like unkempt gardens – so delay the fall cleanup until spring!