Liberty Arboretums

Liberty is proud to provide utility arboretums for our customers. The utility arboretum is a place where customers can see living examples of proper tree selection and placement in relation to an existing power line. This unique educational tool was designed to enhance the safe and reliable operation of the electrical system while preserving the health and beauty of the landscape. Customers can visit our arboretums in Ozark, Missouri, and Joplin, Missouri.

In Ozark, the arboretum is located behind the Ozark Recreation Center, one-half mile east of Highway 65, just off Jackson Street. The Ozark arboretum is a joint effort of Liberty Utilities, Missouri Department of Conservation, and the Parks Department of the City of Ozark.

Ozark Arboretum

In Joplin, the arboretum is located in Landreth Park, one-quarter mile east off of Main Street on Murphy Boulevard. The Joplin arboretum is a joint effort of Liberty Utilities and the City of Joplin.

Joplin Arboretum          Joplin & Butterfly Arboretum 

Tree Planting Guidelines

Whether its spring, summer, or fall, if you plan to work on your landscaping, following a few tips can ensure you pick the right tree for the right location.

Small Tree Planting Tips          Tree Planting Tips


 For more information regarding planting trees in your neighborhood, visit the Arbor Day Foundation's website Right Tree, Rigth Place