Liberty's Free Energy Analysis tool analyzes your energy use and shares that information through personalized videos and reports which will be emailed directly to you on a monthly basis.
Ways to Save
Getting Started
Liberty offers a variety of energy efficiency programs and measures designed to help our residential customers save energy and money. Learn about our programs by selecting the options below. We offer incentives and education to help customers save energy.

This program is designed to help natural gas homeowners in Missouri complete home improvements that conserve energy, save money, and increase comfort. The Energize Liberty Homes program provides up to $5,000 in rebates to cover the cost of a home energy audit and energy saving improvements.

Lower your monthly energy bills with state-specific programs available to residential and commercial customers. For even more savings, combine these with manufacturer rebates on specific products.
You can take control of your energy bill by making small changes to your consumption habits.

Understanding your energy and water use is an important step toward saving energy, conserving water, and working to lower your monthly Liberty bill. Liberty's My Account tool shows Liberty customers a breakdown of their energy and water use history.

We are constantly looking for ways to ensure water is available for future generations. Part of that commitment includes helping our customers understand what they can do to help. From an online water-use calculator to tips for dealing with common leaks, here’s some ways to save.