During extreme heat or cold your energy use may increase which could impact your bill. Here are some ways you can save and information about assistance options if you find you need help with your bill.
My Bill - Residential - Central - Liberty

To help you better understand the terms used on your bill, an example bill is provided for reference to walk through each item and identify terms you may wish to look up. Our bill explainer videos and customer handbooks also provide important information about your bill, and your service from Liberty.
Electric bill explainer
Gas bill explainer
Water bill explainer
Electric Bill FAQs
A Liberty electric bill in composed of several parts including:
- a fixed Customer Charge
- a usage charge that is calculated by kilowatt hours multiplied by Liberty’s current base rates
- current riders that are based on Liberty programs designed to recover costs or support programs to benefit Liberty customers
- location-based taxes, fees, and other assessments
The customer charge covers a portion of Liberty’s fixed costs that are incurred to serve each residential customer. The costs included in this charge are customer-specific charges such as billing costs and costs to place and maintain each individual residential customer on the electric distribution system. Liberty’s service includes a fixed monthly customer charge no matter how much energy is used.
A Fuel Charge, also called a Fuel Adjustment Charge, is the difference between the fuel (used for energy generation) and purchased power costs established in the current rate structure and the actual fuel and purchased power costs incurred by Liberty. For Missouri customers, this rate is adjusted twice a year. If actual fuel costs are less than what is established by the current rate structure, customers will see a credit in the Fuel Charge line. This charge includes no additional mark-up or profit for Liberty. This charge is not related to transportation fuel costs but is specific to the fuel used to generate energy at Liberty’s generation plants.
The Energy Efficiency Investment Cost, also referred to as a MEEIA surcharge, is for the recovery of costs associated with delivering and administering the MEEIA (Missouri Energy Efficiency Investment Act) energy efficiency programs, which are designed to help Liberty customers lower their energy use and improve the energy efficiency of their homes.
This fee is a tax levied by local municipalities that Liberty collects for the local municipalities and passes back to those respective cities. Applicable state and local taxes are also charged.
Time-of-Use rates are electric rate schedules that adjusts the base rate customers pay for electricity based on the timeframe in which they are using it. During peak hours, which are common hours of high-energy use, the cost of using electricity is higher. Time-of-Use rates are designed to encourage customers to shift some of their electricity usage to times of the day when demand is lower and electricity is less expensive. This gives customers more control of their energy costs and helps to balance the load on the grid. Time-of-Use rates for Missouri electric customers began October 15, 2022.
Liberty usage rates do vary seasonally in Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. The usage charge is for the kilowatt hours (KWH) of electricity used by a customer. The rates for summer usage (June 16 through October 15), will vary from winter usage (the other eight months of the year). When more than 600 KWH are used in a billing cycle your statement will reflect the total number of KWH by separating the usage into two different charge lines. This allows us to show you the different rates being charged.
APP, Liberty’s Average Payment Plan, is a payment contract that calculates a customer’s expected annual usage and divides it into 12 equal payments. Each month, one payment installment is due from the customer. At the end of 12 months, the actual usage is reviewed and a customer’s contract and installments are adjusted for the next 12 months.
A running balance is located on the back of your bill, in the Account Detail section. This will show your account status before and after your next payment is made.
Liberty keeps all tariffs current on its website. To view tariffs specific to your bill, visit libertyenergyandwater.com, select your location, and click “Rates” on the Liberty dropdown menu at the top of your location’s homepage.
Liberty's My Account Usage tool shows monthly or seasonal breakdowns of customer energy and water use. Electric customers with smart meters can view hourly usage, typically for the previous day and before. You can view and compare your usage across a 13-month period. You can also view a monthly average, your highest monthly or seasonal usage, and can export your usage data to a spreadsheet for better record keeping.
If you have questions or concerns about your Liberty bill, we are here to help. Please contact our Customer Care department at 1-800-206-2300. Liberty Representatives are available to take your call Monday - Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central.
You can also find information about available assistance programs by clicking the link below.
For most of our rate classes, including our residential class, this charge of approximately 1 cent per kWh of energy usage beginning March 1. For more information, visit https://central.libertyutilities.com/all/securitization.html.
Liberty’s new electric bill design features a “meter bar.” The meter bar includes the current and previous meter reading, and a usage total. Below the meter bar is a section titled Current Charges.
In the meter bar, the difference between current and previous reads determines the usage that is displayed in this section of the bill. Current Charges uses AMI interval data to calculate charges.
The usage displayed in Current Charges may not be an exact match to usage presented in the meter data section. This is referred to as a rounding variance. The usage data we receive from your AMI meter is rounded to three decimal places. This rounding process can introduce small variances in the recorded consumption.
For Time-of-Use customers: The usage we use to calculate your bill comes from interval data. There are 2,880 intervals each day. In a small number of instances, the interval read is not available. When this occurs, the system completes and estimate using the existing data before and after that interval. When these intervals are moved to their time-of-use buckets and totaled for billing purposes, small variances can occur.
Please know you are only ever charged for the electricity that you use.
Natural Gas Bill FAQs
Liberty service includes a fixed monthly customer charge, no matter how much natural gas is used. The charge allows Liberty to recover a portion of its operational costs and rate of return on its investment.
Your usage charge is based on your natural gas consumption. It is billed as the cubic feet of natural gas used.
A degree day is a measure of coldness based on the extent to which the daily mean temperature falls below 65°F. For example, on a day when the average temperature is 35°F, there would be 30 degree days experienced
This is the cost the company pays to purchase natural gas on the open market, plus the transportation and storage services fees. It also reflects any under- or over- collection of actual costs in the previous period. The PGA accounts for about two-thirds to three-fourths of a winter bill.
This fee is a tax levied by local municipalities that Liberty collects and passes on to those respective cities. Applicable state and local taxes are also charged.
Some of the hands on the dial of your meter move in a clockwise fashion, while others move counterclockwise. All move from the lowest number to the highest. To read your meter, simply write down the number where the dial is pointing. When the hand is between numbers, use the smaller number
Liberty tries to read each customer’s meter each month. However, sometimes it is not possible and estimations must be made. Any variation between a customer’s actual usage and the estimated usage will be corrected the next time the meter is read.
Water Bill FAQs
The customer charge ia fixed monthly charge to cover costs to meter and bill your account and provide customer service
Your usage charge covers the water you have used. It is measured in gallons.
This fee is a tax levied by local municipalities that Liberty collects for the local municipalities and passes back to those respective cities. Applicable state and local taxes are also charged.
If you have questions or concerns about your Liberty bill, we are here to help. Please contact our Customer Care department at 1-800-206-2300. Liberty Representatives are available to take your call Monday - Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central.
You can also find information about available assistance programs by clicking the link below.
The company tries to read each customer’s meter each month. However, sometimes it is not possible and estimations must be made. Any variation between a customer’s actual usage and the estimated usage will be corrected the next time the meter is read