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Missouri Electric Rate Update

Liberty files to adjust its Missouri electric rates in early 2026; new filing replaces Liberty's November 2024 rate update request

On February 26, 2025, The Empire District Electric Company (doing business as Liberty) filed a request with the Missouri Public Service Commission (MPSC) to adjust electric base rates. This filing replaces Liberty’s November 6, 2024, rate update request, which has been withdrawn. The new filing corrects a technical error in the initial design of the requested rates. The filing seeks an approximately $152 million increase in annual general base rate revenues. However, when taking into consideration the fuel adjustment and energy efficiency revenues collected from customers during the same test period used to calculate the proposed $152 million increase, the net bill impact of the request is reduced.

If approved by regulators, the net bill impact as proposed by Liberty could cost the average Liberty Missouri residential electric customer using 1,000 kilowatt-hours of usage per month between $33 and $39 per month. Customers should note that the actual bill impact, as a result of this rate request, may vary based on fluctuations in fuel prices. Liberty purchases fuel on the open market used to generate energy at Liberty’s power plants. These charges are passed through to customers at no additional mark-up or profit for Liberty. For Missouri electric customers, this rate, called the Fuel Adjustment Charge (FAC), is updated twice a year – in June and December – going up or down depending on actual fuel costs compared to what is established by the current rate structure.  

The rate request process can take up to 11 months as the MPSC and other stakeholders carefully review Liberty’s request. If approved by regulators, new rates would take effect in early 2026 – more than three years since the last general rate adjustment.

This general rate adjustment request reflects the company’s efforts to strengthen Liberty’s system against storms and extreme weather; upgrade and add facilities and install devices and technology to support grid resiliency and security, improve reliability and shorten restoration times; and enhance capacity to meet energy demand and growth.

Key projects and initiatives intended to benefit customers included in this rate adjustment request:

  • Increasing capacity to support energy demand and protect reliability by upgrading or rebuilding 23 substations across Liberty’s electric service area and investing in improvements to our Ozark Beach hydroelectric and State Line Combined Cycle plants that help them to run more efficiently. This supports increased energy generation at the plants and reliability during periods of extreme weather. 
  • Reducing transmission costs and improving reliability for customers across Liberty’s electric service area including Missouri by upgrading more than 80 miles of transmission lines and doubling capacity with a new 25-mile transmission line between Riverton and Neosho in Kansas. 
  • Improving response to customers and reducing the duration of outages with new service centers in Aurora and Bolivar that serve as a base of operations for line and substation crews, construction planners, and other Liberty personnel. 
  • Protecting our infrastructure and the grid by installing physical security and cybersecurity technology at substations – security measures enhance customer reliability, personnel and substation security, and operational efficiency. 
  • Transitioning to new information systems that allow for advances in customer service and utility planning and analysis to support operational efficiency. 
  • Helping our limited-income customers who have fallen behind on their electric bills with a new, proposed Fresh Start Program and continuing support for other financial assistance programs.



At a Glance

  • Over 164,000 electric customers served in Missouri
  • If approved by regulators, the new rates rates would cost the average Liberty Missouri residential electric customer using 1,000 kilowatt-hours of usage per month between $33 and $39 per month. New rates would go into effect in early 2026.
  • Requested rates reflect $702 million in capital investments intended to benefit customers including:
    • Strengthening Liberty’s system against extreme weather
    • Improving grid reliability, resiliency, and security
    • Enhancing energy generation capacity to meet demand and support

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A rate request is a public regulatory review process in which a utility must demonstrate to its state public service commission why a proposed change in rates is needed. This independent public process helps ensure transparency and fair rates based on the costs to serve customers.

  • Liberty is required to provide its customers with safe and reliable service at rates approved by the public service commission of each state it serves. In exchange, the utility is allowed the opportunity (not a guarantee) to earn a fair return for investors. In this rate request, customer rates are set by the Missouri Public Service Commission (MPSC).  

  • First, Liberty must demonstrate to state utility regulators why a rate change is needed. The MPSC and other interested stakeholders review our filings and vet the company's request. The MPSC then thoroughly reviews our request and holds public hearings to allow customers to comment. This process can take approximately 11 months.

  • Liberty offers programs and tools to encourage energy efficiency and monitor energy usage. Liberty also provides flexible payment options to customers who may be experiencing financial hardship and can connect customers with local agencies that provide utility bill assistance. 

    As part of the rate request, Liberty is proposing a new Fresh Start program to help limited-income customers who have fallen behind on their electric bills and continuing support of other financial assistance programs.  

    • Liberty offers flexible payment options for residential and business customers to allow for additional time to spread out past-due balances and make payments more manageable. Customers can learn more about our assistance options here or by calling our Customer Care team at 1-800-206-2300. 
    • Liberty has a list of various agencies that may be able to provide financial assistance for some portion of the utility bill. This list is available here or customers can call our Customer Care team at 1-800-206-2300 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday - Friday. 
    • Liberty offers several assistance programs that customers may qualify for depending on income and account standing. Call 1-800-206-2300 to speak to a Customer Care representative to discuss the payment assistance options that may work best for you.

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